Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Swaps Snow for Leaves

I don't know that the weather we're having here could necessarily be qualified spring, since there aren't really any particular seasons in San Diego. The weather one day is completely unrelated to the weather the next. For instance, yesterday was overcast and quite chilly; today was sunny with a cool breeze. It was unexpected lovely in the, so I took advantage and wore some the jacket I'd bought weeks before. And to match my somewhat springy mood I decided to take pictures with the delightful patch of flowers behind our dorms. Although I am a winter and rain girl through and through, there is much to be said for a warm day full of flowers.

Outfit details:
Nordstrom lace jacket*
American Rag shirt
BDG zippered jeans
Modcloth heels
Old necklace of my grandmother's worn as a hairpiece

*There's a funny story behind this jacket. I bought it a few weeks ago but hadn't worn it yet-the weather had been too cold- when I was watching Glee and saw it on one of the characters! It was definitely a high point in my life. I mean, how many girls can say they owned a jacket worn by someone on TV before the episode was even released? Ahh, good times... (see Santana on Glee wearing it here)


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