Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!


I'm a terrible girl and have not posted for so very long!! I do have legitimate reasons for my hiatus though: my internet at home is abominable, and then when I got back to school where the internet worked, I was bombarded with a million and one things to get done. I have been thinking of transferring from the college I'm attending at the moment, and my transfer application was due last night. Sooooo I am now finished with all that nonsense and may get back to taking care of my business on here.

I got home on Tuesday night, and spent almost all of Wednesday making a ton of pies. I made the crusts for four pumpkin pies, made an entire apple pie (my specialty), and a special crust for our cherry pie: a regular crust underneath and little maple leaves cut out of pie dough over the top. Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a picture of the cherry pie before it was eaten. Ah well. On Wednesday night we drove up and got my cousin from her college and brought her back to my house (which I was quite happy about, because she and I are very close and I've missed her terribly since we are so far away at college).

Thursday was lovely, filled with delicious food and board games (I won both games, as noted below. Yay!) Appropriately, I chose to wear my Pumpkin Pie dress from Spotted Moth on Thanksgiving; I think this may become a tradition. I think I might practically be required to wear it, considering both its color and its name. All in all, a delightful day in which I ate more food than can possibly be healthy.

On Friday we mostly lazed around in the morning until I dragged Jessie out to take pictures (next post!), and then we went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One in IMAX. I'd already seen it twice (at the midnight premiere and again over the weekend) but I really don't believe I'll ever get tired of it. Then on Saturday we went into the city to see the new wing our local art museum had opened, and it was quite impressive. Modern art museums can often go very wrong, but I really enjoyed the collection they had on display. And on Sunday I headed back to school, to deal with all the stuff I outlined earlier.

Making my apple pie. One of the five pies I helped make on Wednesday.

My cousin Jessica and I.

The finished apple pie.

One of the little flower arrangements I made for the tables.

We played Sorry. I won. (See the yellow all in Home? That's me.) I also won at Life. It was a good night.


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